As with any enterprise there are a number of people and groups who are required to support the site.
Mike Liveright -- Chief architect {and currently the only worker}
I decided to try to develop the site after becoming dissatisfied with the lack of responsiveness of our Government. It seems to me that there are a lot of reasons that our government is not fulfilling the people's needs and that the Internet gives us a way to improve this situation if it can be properly used. The details of this site, the resaons for it, etc. are more fully discussed in {the-book}
Before I retired, I was a computer programmer and UNIX system manager at a variety of companies across the country.
I got my degrees in physics and electrical engineering and grew up in Chicago and Philadelphia.
This section will contain a list of the people, organizations, etc who have directly contributed to the site for its, development, hosting, and mantainence. The site plans to be as unbiased as possible and will develop objective procedures for identifying issues, posting positions, etc.
Contributers (editoral)
It is assumed that the major work on the site will be in prepairing the issue summaries, positions etc. These will, as much as possible be prepaired by the interested parties and they may be identified here.
Acknowledgments: (People who have assisted, with their ideas, in this sites development)
They have permitted their Name and perhaps, , E-mail
, WEBsite
, and short comment to be listed here.