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WeMatter.com > Login                                                    Example, Not Active yet

If you are an existing user, enter your Current Nickname and Pasword, and then push [Login]. You will get your profile information shown so that you can alter it, or go to another part of the site with your Nickname set.

Note: Obviously, feel free to not fill in anything by Nickname, and Password unless you want to

Nickname: __________________________

Password: __________________________            [Login]

Email: ______________________________

Receive Email now Yes/No

Party Affilation: __________________ {Green, Democrat, Republican, Reform Other}

Age: _____

Income _____

Race: _______

Zip Code _____

                                                                          [Set/Alter User Profile]

The login information will be used in the following ways:

  1. The user's comments will be "signed" by the user's NickName so that others can know which comments are made by the same user.
  2. The Email address will be associated with the user's NickName so that other users can, if the user accepts, Email messages to the user.
  3. The user's demographics will be used to adjust any votes that the user makes so that in addtion to presenting the raw vote the votes can be adjusted to attempt to reflect the opinion of the American population.
  4. The user's demographics will be used to allow sponsors to request reports on how votes are distributed amoung the population, and for the site to inform decision makers of the demographics of the votes. Note: This is one way that the site will pay for its operation.

Privacy: The user's profile will be strictly confidentual and the property of the user. It will not be available to any third party and not be considered an asset of the site. {I will look into other privacy conditions, but plan to assure all users that this login information will only be used as a way to analysize votes and identify Nicknamed users.}

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Note: As with all sites , this site is under construction. On the other hand at this time I consider it only a design site so that any links are missing, Graphics are missing etc. This is discussed in the TBD section