There are a number of sites that seem to be interesting in discussing the Pro / Con of issues, raising interesting ways of looking at teh issues etc. This page is a list of those that I have found interesting and seem to be either unbiased or at least willing to discuss the "other" side of the author's opinion. Note: It may be that this overlaps some of the more general links, but so be it.
The Becker and Posner blog -- -- application of economics, sociology and law to our society
Gary S. Becker -- Economics and Sociology , Richard A. Posner Senior Lecturer in Law , University of Chicago
Mahalanobis -- Michael Stastay's blog on the applicaion of science to our society
The Red and Blue -- dedicated in bringing you both side of political issues and will provide you with a balanced source of information and opinion
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April 25, 2004 18:46