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The Palo Alto site of WeMatter.com will be a hub for the elections of the city council and then for the city government, This page discussed the plan and schedule for the development of the site.

Election site
Discussion Forum T.B.D.
Stage 0 -- Design
Stage 1 -- Definition
Stage 2 -- Posting

WeMatter.com > Issues > PaloAlto > Site Plan

WeMatter.com is a project to develop an Internet Town meeting, hub that assists in connecting the citizens with their government officials. The

Palo Alto "site" is a first attempt to apply this project to a local government by providing a central area for information and links to candidates and other organizations that evaluate the candidates. In addition the site is coordinating a set of issues that allow the candidates to show how they differ from eachother.

Stage 0 -- Initial design -- There will be an election for 4 of the 9 members of the Palo Alto City Council on November 9 and this site is being designed to coordinate the information for this election. An initial contact will be made to all the candidates and the media to inform them that this site is being developed. The following will be available at the initial stage:

There will be "place holders" for the issues area and the forum as these will not be defined or implemented during Stage 0, but their general form will be defined and implemented later.

Stage 1 -- Issue and Forum definition -- In addition to linking to the information generated by the candidates and the other groups involved in this election, the WeMatter.com site will host a set of issues that it is hoped will allow the voters to distinguish among the candidates in an unbiased objective manner.


It is understood that the actual budget process is more complicated and that the candidates proposed changes are not meant to be a commitment, but just an indication of their priorities.

I expect that in this stage the candidates will have some input as to how this way of showing their budget priorities can be improved.

Stage 2) -- Information posting -- Once the site is defined and the issues, baseline budget, and the procedures are defined, the responses from the candidates will be collected and posted. These will be


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July 27, 2003 17:08