WeMatter.com > Issues
> PaloAlto > Motions_2003_Jan-June
The motions voted on in the Palo Alto City
council meetings, Jan 1 - June 31 2003, are shown below, with their:
- Date-Page: YyMmDd-Pg:, the motion (possibly
shortened ... } and the resuling vote.
This page is a Quick and Dirty Copy/Paste
from the official minutes and will be compleated and corrected as errors
are found. Please Email: Mike Liveright,
as you do find corections or suggestions.
25 pages
- 030602-05: to approve the City Attorneys request for continuance
of City Clerks Report on Sufficiency of Initiative Petitions Regarding
Establishing Conditions for Flouridating Palo Alto Public Drinking Water;
Immediate Cessation. --
- 030602-05: to approve the minutes of March 17, 2003, as corrected,
and April 14, 2003, as submitted. --
- 030602-06: to approve ConsentCalendar Item Nos. 2A, 3, and 5-8. --
-07: UNANIMOUS for Item Nos. 2A and 5-8,
-08: fail 2-5 for Item No. 2, Beecham, Burch, Kishimoto, Morton,
Ojakian yes, Kleinberg, Mossar not participating.,
-08: PASS 8-1 for Item No. 3, Freeman no.
- 030602-08: to reconsider Item No. 2. --
UNANAMOUS, Kleinberg, Mossar not participating.
- 030602-10: to approve the Planning and Transportation Commission recommendation
030602-11: SUBSTITUTE to allow accessory dwelling units as a permitted
use, rather than as a conditional use, and to amend the review by the
Architectural Review Board for accessory dwelling units in the NP combining
district. --
-14: {PASS} 9-0.
- 030602-12: AMENDMENT TO SUBSTITUTE: to eliminate from the legislation
all references toarchitectural compatibility under all four Code
sections where applicable to attached second dwelling units. --
-13: PASS 7-2, Burch, Morton no.
- 030602-13 AMENDMENT TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION: to prohibit second-story
second units over detached garages provisions in the ordinance until
future deliberation.
-14: PASS 5-4, Burch, Morton, Mossar, Ojakian no.
- 030602-17: to direct the City of Palo Altos Northern California
Power Agency (NCPA) representative to immediately withdraw Palo Alto
from the NCPA Trinity River litigation. 21- RESTATED: affirms its support
of the Trinity River Restoration Plan and the December 2000 Record of
Decision (ROD) by withdrawing from the Northern California Power Agency
(NCPA) litigation and Supplemental Environmental Impact Study (SEIS)
activities. --
-21: PASS {AS AMENDED}5-4, Beecham, Morton, Mossar, Ojakian no.
- 030602-17 SUBSTITUTE MOTION: , to approve the staff recommendation
to support the NorthernCalifornia Power Agency (NCPA) in its efforts
to restore the Trinity River Fisheries (TRF). --
-21: fail 4-5, Beecham, Morton, Mossar, Ojakian yes.
- 030602-21: to direct staff to complete their report and make recommendations
to the City Council for discussion and possible action in regard to
the Architectural Review Board (ARB) request for changes to the ARB
standard of review to include sustainability and green building design.
- 030602-23: to accept staff and Planning and Transportation Commission
(P&TC) recommendation ... --
-24: UNANAMOUS, Kleinberg, Mossar not participating.
- 030519-05: to approvethe minutes of March 31, 2003, as submitted.
- 030519-05: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 - 2A and 4
-07: UNANIMOUS for Items Nos. 1 2A and 4, 6.
-07: UNANAMOUS for Item No. 5, Beecham "not participating."
-07: UNANAMOUS for Item No. 7, Kleinberg "not participating."
- 030519-08: to approve the staff and the Planning and Transportation
Commission (PT&C) recommendation to approve installation of a traffic
signal with left-turn pockets at the intersection of Middlefield Road
and Bryson Avenue, ...
- 030519-13: to approve the staff recommendation to approve the contracts
with Urbsworks, Inc. and Van Meter Williams Pollack to provide urban
design services in support of the Zoning Ordinance Update (ZOU), for
a total of $129,925.
- 030519-14: to accept the staff recommendation to approve and authorize
the Mayor to execute the amendment to extend the term of the consulting
agreement with Curtis Williams for services related to the Zoning Ordinance
Update (ZOU) project and to increase compensation from $40,000 to $60,000
in the current fiscal year, and an additional $60,000 through June 2004.
- 030519-16: to approve in concept the staff and Planning and Transportation
Commission (PTC) recommendation of the Bicycle Transportation Plan ...
030519-17: INCORPORATED: to direct staff to return to the Council with
a doable milestone related to the implementation of the Bicycle Master
Plan in the next two years.
030519-19: INCORPORATED: that the Council add in the Charleston Corridor
Bicycle Study solution immediately upon adoption of the Bicycle Master
- 030519-16: AMENDMENT to concentrate on developing safe thoroughfares
that paralleled high traffic corridors.
- 030519-16: AMENDMENT: to prioritize implementation of the Bicycle
Boulevard Network.
-17: PASS 5-4, Freeman, Kleinberg, Mayor Mossar, Ojakian
- 030519-17: AMMEDMENT: to add the implementation of the Bike Master
Plan as a key milestone of the Council Top 5 priorities.
- 030519-20 AMENDMENT: to revert to the staff recommendation to
eliminate sidewalk bikeway paths from the City's bikeway network
and remove existing signs where they exist.
PASS 5-3, Burch, Freeman, Morton "no."
- 030519-21: Council Member Burch moved, seconded by Council Member
Kleinberg, to hear Item No. 13 ahead of Item No. 12
UNANAMOUS, Morton not participating.
- 030519-21: to approve the site and design review for the construction
of a new +/-1,600-square-foot building at the Palo Alto Airport, located
in the Palo Alto Baylands; and the conditional use permit to allow a
general business office use to occupy the new building.
- 030519-22: to approve the staff recommendation that the City Council
Vice Mayor Beecham as a voting member of the board of directors of the
Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency.
-13: SUBSTITUTE : to appoint Council Member Freeman as a Voting Member
of the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation
fail {SUBSTITUTE} 6-3, Freeman, Kishimoto, Lytle yes.
31 pages ??Bad Paged??
- 030512-03: to moveItem No. 11 forward for public testimony and then
continue public testimony and discussion to later in evening.
- 030512-04: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1, 2, 6 and 7.
-05: UNANIMOUS for Item Nos. 1,2, and 7.
-05: PASS 8-1 for Item No. 6, Freeman no.
- 030512-08:: to separate out Adolescent Counseling Services (Caravan
House Rehab) from
the rest of the items for consideration.
INCORPORATED: to also separate out Urban Ministry (Homeless Drop-in
- 030512-08: to approve Adolescent Counseling Services and Urban Ministry
for funding.
UNANAMOUS, Morton "not participating."
- 030512-12: the Finance Committee recommend to the City Council approval
of the following: ...
-13: SUBSTITUTE: to adopt the resolution reflecting the Citizens Advisory
Committee and staffs recommendations.
-14: PASS 5-4, Freeman, Kishimoto, Lytle, Morton, "no."
- 030512-16: to approve the staff recommendation as follows:...
-17: UNANAMOUS, Morton "not participating."
- 031512-17: that Item No. 12 be removed from agenda at the request
of staff.
- 030512-19: to direct staff to add measurable steps where possible
to allow the tracking of progress.
-20: SUBSTITUTE : to adopt the proposed milestones for the Fiscal Year
2003-05 Council Top 5 Priorities.
-20: INCORPORATED: to add Support for Friends of the Children's Junior
Museum and Zoo and the Friends of the Art Center to the milestones.
-23: INCORPORATED to add under affordable housing a separate number
for the implementation plan for the Housing Element.
-24: INCORPORATED to add as a milestone to revise the Zoning Map to
apply newly created zoning categories.
- 030512-27: to supplement Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project
10304, Roth Building Wings Demolition, in the amount of $275,000, to
provide the necessary funding to complete the demolition project; requesting
approval of the use of infrastructure funding currently available in
CIP Project 10218, South of Forest Avenue (SOFA) Park, to construct
an interim SOFA Park, to state Council's intent to agendize the dedication
of park in December 2003 as such time as temporary parking use is removed
and to add appropriate milestones to permanently dedicate the SOFA Park
and construct the interim park as soon as possible.
- 030512-30: FIRST: to adopt a Budget Amendment Ordinance (BAO)
to supplement Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project 10304, Roth
Building Wings Demolition, in the amount of $275,000, to provide
the necessary funding to complete the demolition project;
PASS 8-1, Ojakian "no."
- 030512-30: SECOND: requesting approval of the use of infrastructure
funding currently available in CIP Project 10218, South of Forest
Avenue (SOFA) Park, to construct an interim SOFA Park, to state
Council's intent to agendize the dedication of park in December
2003 as such time as temporary parking use is removed and to add
appropriate milestones to permanently dedicate SOFA Park and construct
the interim park as soon as possible.
- 030512-31: to agendize the 800 High Street referendum for the November
ballot at a future City Council meeting.
030505-05: to interview all of the applicants. {for
Parks and Recreation Commission}
- 030505-06: to refer the Proposed Council Protocols to the Policy and
Services Committee with revisions to the language.
INCORPORATED as stated in the memo from Council Member Lytle dated May
1, 2003, to also include the Code of Ethics for referral to the Policy
and Services Committee.
- 030505-08: to adopt the Proposed Council Protocols with the following
revisions, and to forward the League of California Cities Code of Ethics
to the Policy and Services Committee for evaluation in conjunction with
the Protocols:
- 030505-08: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 4 11B.
- -09: Council Member Kleinberg registered a no vote
on Item No. 6.
- -09: Council Member Kishimoto registered a no vote
on Item No. 6.
- -09: Mayor Mossar registered a no vote on Item No.
- -09: Council Member Freeman registered no votes on
Item Nos. 9 and 10.
-11: UNANIMOUS for Item Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 and 11B.
-11: PASS 6-3 for Item No. 6, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Mossar
-11: PASS 8-1 for Item Nos. 9 and 10, Freeman no.
-11: UNANAMOUS for Item No. 11A, Freeman not participating.
- 030505-11: Council Member Morton moved, seconded by Burch, to continue
this item {Further Directions to Staff Regarding Retention or Demolition
of Roth Building Spin...e} to the regular May 12, 2003, City Council
- 030505-13: to approve the staff and Planning and Transportation Commission
(PTC) recommendation to
approve the Site and Design Review applications...
UNANAMOUS, Kleinberg absent.
- 030505-15: to direct staff to prepare a resolution of support for
the American Lung Association of California (ALAC) Clean Vehicle Resolution.
UNANAMOUS, Kleinberg absent.
- 030505-15: that the study session for the San Francisquito Creek JPA
be a meeting for citizen
input and an explanation of CAP205, as well as a meeting where Council
can take action.
fail 6-2, Freeman, Lytle yes, Kleinberg absent.
35 pages
- 030421-13: that staff complete the SOFA 2 CAP prior to August 2003.
UNANAMOUS, Morton not participating
- 030421-16: to approve the staff and Planning and Transportation Commission
(PTC) recommendation to: ..
SUBSTITUTE: to not approve the requested zoning and to deny the staffrecommendations.
-23: fail { SUBSTITUTE} 3-6, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Mossar yes.
-23: MOTION FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION PASS 6-3, Freeman, Kishimoto,
Lytle, no.
-23: PASS {PREVIOUS QUESTION} 6-3, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Mossar
-23: PASS 6-3, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Mossar no. .
- 030421-24: to agendize the discussion regarding how to support automobile
dealerships in Palo Alto.
PASS 8-1, Ojakian no.
- 030421-24: Council Member Morton moved, seconded by Burch, to approve
the minutes of February 10, 2003, as corrected.
- 030421-24: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 6-12, and 14-16,
with Item No. 13 removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of
-29: UNANAMOUS for Item Nos. 6-8, 12, and 14-16.
-29: PASS 8-1 for Item No. 9, Lytle no.
-29: PASS 6-3 for Item No. 10, Freeman, Kishimoto, Lytle no.
-20: PASS 8-1 for Item No. 11, Lytle no.
- 030421-24: to continue Item No. 18 re 706-708 Los Trancos Road to
the May 5, 2003,
regular City Council meeting.
- 030421-30: that theFinance Committee recommend to the City Council
re the 2002-03 Adjusted
Budget - ...
- 030421-33: to move the Closed Session items forward and continue the
item after the Closed Session.
- 030421-34: to continue Item No. 19 to the regular May 5, 2003, City
PASS 6-0, Beecham, Burch, Morton absent.
32 pages
35 pages
- 030331-06: to approve the minutes of February 3, 2003, as corrected
and February 18, 2003, as submitted.
- 030331-07: Council Member Ojakian moved, seconded by Morton, to approve
Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 6.
- 030331-15: to not immediately repeal the 800 High Street Planned Community
(PC) Zoning District and to initiate consideration of revised PC options.
-16: SUBSTITUTE: to immediately repeal the 800 High Street PC Zoning
District and direct staff to bring the South of Forest Coordinated Area
Plan, Phase 2 (SOFA 2) back to the Council for review and careful consideration
of the Working Group, as well as the staff and Planning and Transportation
Commission versions.
-20: AMENDMENT: to direct staff to schedule necessary special meetings
in order to accommodate hearing the SOFA 2 CAP recommendations in a
timely fashion in order to possibly have decisions made by mid-July
in advance of the August deadline for passage of a resolution to forward
the Referendum to the November election.
-20: 03/31/03AMENDMENT RESTATED: to direct staff to return, preferably
at the April 14, 2003, regular
-21: AMENDMENT PASS 5-4, Burch, Morton, Mossar, Ojakian "no."
-22: AMENDMENT: Council Member Lytle moved, to eliminate the option
of a special stand-alone election.
-22: AMENDMENT PASS 7-2, Burch, Morton no.
- 030331-25: to ask staff to prepare a resolution in support of a National
Housing Trust, to be signed by the Mayor and presented to the California
Congressional Delegation.
UNANIMOUS, Burch, Freeman absent.
-27: PREVIOUS QUESTION PASS 7-2, Freeman, Ojakian no.
-28: AS AMENDED PASS 8-1, Mossar "no."
34 pages
- 030317-10: to approve the staff recommendation as follows:...
-13: FAILED 5-4, Beecham, Burch, Mossar, Ojakian "yes."
- 030317-13: to uphold the appeal and remand to the Director of Planning
and Community Environment to prepare findings consistent with the majority
of the Councils opinions that evening.
INCORPORATED that the Council approve the appeal before Council could
remand to staff.
PASSED 8-1, Ojakian "no."
- 030317-14: to interview all of the applicants for the Human Relations
PASSED 5-0, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Lytle, Morton absent.
- 030317-14: to approve the minutes of January 27, 2003, as corrected.
PASSED 5-0, Kishimoto, Kleinberg, Lytle, Morton absent.
- 030317-14: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 2 - 4.
-15: PASSED 8-0 for Item No. 2, Morton "not participating."
-15: PASSED 9-0 for Item Nos. 3 and 4.
- 030317-14:: that the Policy and Services Committee recommend to the
City Council acceptance of
the Youth Master Plan (YMP) report, ...
-17: PASSED 9-0.
- 030317-19: to approve the Policy and Services Committee recommendation
to the City Council to: 1) remove the direction that the Sea Scout Base
be used for Sea Scout and other youth activities;...
AMENDMENT: to extend the period of the RFP to a minimum of nine months.
-20: AMENDMENT PASSED 7-2, Beecham, Ojakian "no".
-21: PASSED 9-0.
- 030317-22: to approve ... to form and become a member of the Bay Area
Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA).
-24: PASSED 9-0.
- 030317-29: to retain the spine with the stairwell and the elevator.
-33: PASSED 6-3, Beecham, Mossar, Ojakian no.
24 pages
- 030310-02: to approve the minutes of January 21, 2003,
PASSED 8-0, Mossar absent.
- 030310-03: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 3.
PASSED 8-0 for Items Nos. 1 and 2, Mossar absent.
PASSED 6-2 for Item No. 3, Freeman and Lytle "no," Mossar
- 030310-05: that the City Council approve the Proposed Council Protocols
attached to CMR:188:03.
-10: AMENDMENT: to leave the first bullet on page 4 in place and refer
the language explaining the bullet back to the Policy and Services Committee.
-10: AMENDMENT PASSED 5-3, Beecham, Freeman, Ojakian no,
Mossar absent.
-10: AMENDMENT: to add wording at the end of the section under the second
bullet on page 4, Criticism is differentiated from questioning
facts or opinions of staff.
-10: AMENDMENT PASSED 6-2, Burch, Morton "no, Mossar absent.
-11: AMENDMENT: to change the wording under Other Procedural Issues,
last bullet on page 8, 2) to identify for staff any issues and or questions
that they should be prepared to respond to at the may need greater staff
preparation for the meeting.
-13: AMENDMENT PASSED 8-0, Mossar absent.
-13: AMENDMENT: to add under Council Conduct with City Staff,
third bullet on page 2, The presidingofficer will be respectful
and evenhanded with diverse positions and should not use authority or
process to further any individuals personal agenda
-14: AMENDMENT AS RESTATED FAILED 4-4, Beecham, Freeman, Kishimoto,
Lytle yes, Mossar absent.
-14: AMENDMENT: under Council Conduct with One Another,
section under first bullet on page 2, to change the wording to read,
The Council should refer to one another formally during public
Council meetings as
-14: AMENDMENT PASSED 8-0, Mossar absent.
- -15: AMENDMENT: under Council Conduct with City Staff,
to add wording to the last sentence of the section under the third bullet
on page 4, or on communications to the full Council.
-17: SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT: to change the second sentence in the section
under the third bullet on page 4 to read Council Members shall
refrain from coercing staff in making recommendations to the Council
as a whole.
-18: SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT PASSED 5-3, Burch, Kleinberg, Morton no,Mossar
-19: AMENDMENT: to direct staff to find negative statements in the Protocol
document, express them in positive expressions, and forward the recommended
language to the Council for formal adoption.
-20: AMENDMENT FAILED 3-5, Burch, Freeman, Lytle yes, Mossar
-20: AMENDMENT: under Council Conduct with City Staff, in
the section under the second bullet on page 4, delete the first sentence
and change the next sentence to read, All comments about staff
performance of City employees should only be made to the City Manager
by private correspondence or conversation. Comments about staff in the
offices of the City Attorney, City Auditor or City Clerk should be made
directly to these CAOs by private correspondence or conversation.
-21: AMENDMENT PASSED 8-0, Mossar absent.
- 030310-21: to refer to the Policy and Services Committee to clarify
the procedure for compliance and enforcement of these Protocols.
PASSED 8-0, Mossar absent.
- 030310-21: to limit debate to 11:25 p.m. and at that time to call
for the question.
FAILED 2-6, Burch, Morton yes, Mossar absent.
- 030310-22: to continue the discussion to the April 14, 2003, regular
City Council meeting.
PASSED 7-1, Freeman "no," Mossar absent.
27 pages
- 030303-05: toapprove the minutes of November 18, 2002, as corrected,
and the minutesof December 09, 2002, as submitted.
- 030303-05: to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 and 4.
PASSED 9-0 for Item Nos. 1 and 4.
- 030303-15: to continue Item No. 6A to the February 10, 2003, Regular
City Councilmeeting.
- 030303-20: to 1) certify the Final Environmental Impact Report, including
the program ...
SUBSTITUTE MOTION to use the January 30, 2003, version of the project
as the base design, ...
-25: SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILED 3-6, Freeman, Kishimoto, Lytle yes.
-25: PASSED 6-3. Freeman, Kishimoto, Lytle no.
- 030303-25: MOTION: to approve the staff and Utilities Advisory Commission
recommendation to appoint a member of the City Council as a voting member
of the board of directors of the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water
System Financing Authority... the voting member should be Vice Mayor
-26: SUBSTITUTE MOTION: , to appoint Council Member Freeman as a voting
-26: SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILED 3-6, Freeman, Kleinberg, Lytle yes.
-26: PASSED 9-0.
- 030303-27: by a vote of 8-0-1, Lytle abstaining that the
Council would proceed with a settlement on the two lawsuits described
in Item Nos. 1 and 2.
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August 5, 2003 16:23