today's papers
| A summary of what's in the major U.S. newspapers. |
Roads Rule
By Eric Umansky
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at 1:30 AM PT
- Bush overturns forest road restrictions
- Bush support invasion of Iraq
- Bush admits shortcomming in prewar intelligence
- Search for Aids vaccine
hits road block
- Morgan Stanley agrees to $54 million settlement
in sexual discrimination suit
- GE lobbied to turn tax
bill to its advantage
- New collesteral limits lowered
- Blacked out portions of intellegance
report shown
- Federal court in turmal
due to sentencing guidline decision
- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's neighbors interviewed
1) Bush administration's
just-announced plans to overturn
Clinton-era rules that had placed
60 million acres of national forest off-limits
to roads and logging. (Washington
Post leads)
Under the
proposed changes, governors would have
to appeal to the federal government if they want
to designate land road-free. The Clinton-era
rules had been challenged in the courts with
mixed results.
The LAT and Post both characterize
the proposed road rules, essentially, as
an evisceration of the Clinton-era changes. The NYT stays
away from making that judgment, saying
up high that the new rules actually allow "governors to
seek greater—or fewer—strictures on road construction
in forests." But the Post adds
some evidence to its side, noting that
while a governor can petition one way
or the other, the default baseline
will be "less
stringent than Clinton's roadless rule."
2) President Bush's forceful
defense of the invasion of Iraq and
his policy of pre-emption. "Today, because America
has acted and because America has led, the forces
of terror and tyranny have suffered defeat after
defeat, and America and the world are safer," said the
president. ( Los
Angeles Times leads)
Counting up his successes, Bush pointed to Libya's
decision to disarm. Only the Post does
a bit of unfettered fact-checking,
saying there are "substantial differences of opinion" over what
prompted Libya's decision: "Many specialists
say the decision grew out of diplomacy
with the United States and Britain
that began during the 1990s when Bill
Clinton was president."
The president also said, "We removed a declared
enemy of America who had the capability
of producing weapons of mass murder and could
have passed that capability to terrorists bent
on acquiring them. In the world after September
the 11th,
that was a risk we could not afford
to take." Most
of the papers ignore the implied linkage.
Not Knight-Ridder.
Noting that spokesman Scott McClellan
backed up Bush's suggestions—"We know there were ties
between Iraq and terrorists, including al-Qaida," he
said—the chain headlines: "BUSH AGAIN
3) Bush's admission of "shortcomings" in
prewar intelligence. (Wall Street
Journal highlights)
4) The search for an AIDS
vaccine has hit a wall. The most promising
formula has proven to be a dud, and most of the
other ones in development are similar to it. Part
of the problem may be a lack of funding, says the
paper, since most AIDS research is focused on developing
treatments, which tend to be more profitable than
vaccines. (USA
Today's lead)
5) Brokerage firm
Morgan Stanley agreeing to a $54
million settlement in
a sexual discrimination suit brought on by
the federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, one of the largest settlements
in the agency's history. (New
York Times leads)
6) GE has successfully lobbied
to turn a corporate tax bill to its advantage and
in the process pushed tax breaks for companies that
work abroad. The bill, which was originally intended
to repeal a $5 billion per year exports subsidy that
the World Trade Organization had ruled illegal, has
roughly tripled in size, with GE getting most of
that. The conglomerate has the largest lobbying effort
in D.C., and as one Republican staffer put it, "They're
very smart people." (Post page one)
7) New guidelines for much
lower cholesterol levels than previously advised. Those
at high risk should get their "bad cholesterol" count
to 70 or below. (Most of the papers front)
8) Peek at some
of the blacked-out portions of the Senate intelligence
committee report on Iraq and finds mention
of another
defector who Secretary of State Powell relied
on for his U.N. speech, even though an analyst warned
the guy's allegations were iffy. The Times says
the CIA blacked out the pages about the defector
because British intelligence still uses him (NYT inside).
9) The federal
court system has been "plunged into turmoil" following
a recent Supreme Court decision that undercuts sentencing
guidelines. For the past two decades, judges—and
not juries—have been instructed to increase a defendant's
sentence based on aggravating factors. The court
only explicitly overturned that practice in Washington
state. But federal courts use the same system, and
judges there aren't sure what to do. Writing in Slate yesterday,
Gerald Shargel highlighted the
mayhem—and celebrated the justices' decision. (Post front)
10) The NYT's Jeffrey
Gettleman traveled to
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's hometown in Jordan and
talked with the some of the neighbors and some of
his former jail mates. They paint a picture of a
thug, but not a terrorist mastermind. "When we would
write bad things about him in our prison magazine,
he would attack us with his fists," said one man. "That's
all he could do. He's not like bin Laden with ideas
and vision. He had no vision." In 1993, Jordanian
police found a stash of assault rifles and bombs
hidden in his house. Zarqawi insisted he found them
while strolling on the street. "He never struck me
as intelligent," said his lawyer. (NYT)
Eric Umansky writes "Today's Papers" for Slate.
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