The-book is expected to take 2 years to write while the site is being initially developed. During that time the funding for the initial setup will be obtained and the staff will be hired. At the same time the contributors will be identified and start to work on their material. At the end of this time, It is expected that the site, staff, contributors, etc. will be in place, and the site will be fully operational.
- Incorporation of the site -- I expect that the site will be incorporate as a Non profit corporation.
- There will be no stockholders as the site will probably not bring in much money above its operational expenses and if it were a for profit institution it would not be able to get money from some of the foundations.
- It is probable that the site would be able to incorporate as a charity, but as it is a Political Hub, I would like to see if there is some way of incorporating without having to prove that we are never taking a position. This will prevent groups that might occupy our time in legal action from taking our time.
Related sites:
- Capitol Advantage connects citizens to their elected officials, and helps organizations realize legislative goals though grassroots activism.
- MegaVote - Sign up now! -- Track your senators' and representative's votes by e-mail! -- Each week (that Congress is in session) you will receive:
Key votes by your two Senators and U.S. Representative.
Links to send e-mail to your members of Congress using pre-addressed forms.
Upcoming votes for your review and links to offer e-mail input before they vote.
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