I believe that XOtek would benefit from having an InterNet presence and that it is inexpensive to generate a simple set of pages so that people who would like to communicate with you can do it via the internet.
As you can see I have generated a few pages, as a sub part of my own site in a few hours. Obviously they can be cleaned up, corrected, etc. but I hope that it gives you the feeling of what can be done. (If you want me to remove the material, please contact me and of course I will do so)
If you did want such a site then the plan would be:
(xotek.com is currently reserved, but I could look into purchasing it if you wanted?)
As I am playing around, retired, I could assist you on this. As you see, the cost of getting up and running with a minimum site might be very inexpensive, if you feel that the pages I generated are useful, feel free to take them for your initial site and I can get you up and running. If you felt that it was worth while to improve the site you might:
Regardlessof what you do decide to do, I would suggest that at least one of your people manage the project and have the capability to make small changes, etc. and that you consider starting out small and inexpensively, just to be able to "point" to an InterNet presence, and then if you want to improve that can be done later.